Important Information for Speed Presentations

Research day is bringing speed presentations to our in-person event!

Presenters will develop their presentation and research communication skills by delivering a 3 minute presentation. The three minute time limit is an opportunity to develop a clear and compelling story about your  research. Presenters are encouraged to identify the information that is most important to share- less is more. For more information on preparing effective speed presentations, visit:

Important Dates

  • December 15, 2022: Abstract submission deadline
  • January 26, 2023 11:59pm: Deadline for speed presentation PowerPoint submissions, location OneDrive
  • February 9, 2023 1:00-6:15pm: Research Day

Speed Presenter Instructions

Presenters are asked to upload final copies of their slides into a OneDrive Folder (link coming soon). Final slides (using a required format of no more than 7 slides) must be uploaded by January 26, 2023 by 11:59pm; no edits may be made to these slides after this submission date. Presentations with more than 7 slides will be ineligible for live speed presentation.

You will be assigned a specific time slot and room based on your submission category provided in the abstract submission form. Presenters will be placed in groups of 5. Each presenter is expected to carefully monitor their time; faculty moderators will provide a 30 second warning and ask presenters to end promptly at 3 minutes. There will be time for moderated questions by a faculty member and PhD student representative from the PHHP Research Committee.

Power Point Presentation Template:

Presentations must use the provided PHHP 2023 Research Day Template and include between 5-7 slides. This includes: one title slide (Presenter Name, Department, Mentor), 3-5 content slides organized in a way that best suits your study, and  one acknowledgements/references slide.


Audience members will also have an opportunity to provide feedback on presentation design and clarity; presenters will receive the compiled feedback after the event. Presenters will also receive feedback on their submitted abstract via email after the event

Research Day 2023 Speed Presentation Groups*

Group Name TIme Slot Room Number Presenters (Last name only, postdocs/Clin Fellow are bolded)
1a – Community Programs 2:15pm-2:45pm HPNP G-109 Berger, Hwango, Li, Loach, Seegulam
1b – Neuro/Spinal I 2:15pm-2:45pm HPNP G-211 Kenney, McClutchy, Rodriguez (Katie), Song, Williams
1c – Maternal, Paternal, & Child I 2:15pm-2:45pm HPNP G-312 Anamege, Clarke, Connell, Dubare, Inverso
1d – Methods, Models, Reviews, & Assessments I 2:15pm-2:45pm HPNP G-3`16 Bellam, Jiang, Pollack, Wang (Yipeng), Zhang
2a – Environment, Disparities, & Other Social Determinants I 2:50pm-3:20pm HPNP G-109 Acosta, Jones, Manrique, Miles
2b – Neuro/Spinal II 2:50pm-3:20pm HPNP G-111 Mir, Olarewaju, Ratajska, Smith-Hublou
2c – Methods, Models, Reviews, & Assessments II 2:50pm-3:20pm HPNP G-312 Carr, Donaldson, Mou, O’Connor, Xu
2d – Cancer & Oncology 2:50pm-3:20pm HPNP G-316 Antoine, Churba, QuiƱones, Smotherman
3a – Obesity & Healthcare 4:45pm-5:15pm HPNP G-210 Chen, McLaren, Swanson, Wen
3b – Methods, Models, Reviews, & Assessments III 4:45pm-5:15pm HPNP G-307 Langer, Milletich, Paro, Rainey, Wang (Anna)
3c – Aging 4:45pm-5:15pm HPNP G-312 Anyaso-Samuel, Boutzoukas, Evangelista, Hausman, Waner
3d – Neuro/Spinal III 4:45pm-5:15pm HPNP G-316 Benevides, Sales de Campos, Schade, Terry
3e – Mood & Self-Perceptions 4:45pm-5:15pm HPNP G-201 Cenko, Gertler, Groshon, Perez-Carreno, Rana
4a – Healthcare 5:20pm-5:50pm HPNP G-210 Cohen, Falise, Mburu, Shin, Walsh
4b – Environment, Disparities, & Other Social Determinants II 5:20pm-5:50pm HPNP G-307 Evans, Love, Meyer, Taylor, Washington
4c – Substance Use 5:20pm-5:50pm HPNP G-312 Britton, DeFelice, Fitzgerald, McCabe, Won
4d – Methods, Models, Reviews, & Assessments IV 5:20pm-5:50pm HPNP G-316 Chandrashekhar, Kunnath Ravindranunni, Rodriguez (Alexandra), Tian, Wu
4e – Maternal, Paternal, & Child II 5:20pm-5:50pm HPNP G-201 Coker, Guerrero Calle, Hoeflich, Kanjani, Zeng

*It is important to note that these groups are just for the speed presentation times/order. These do not reflect how your abstracts are judged/scored.

For questions, please email