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Behavioral Science And Community Health

Mary Ellen Young

Dr. Young’s research interests can be broadly defined as the study of the psychosocial aspects of catastrophic illness or injury. Her past research centered on the brain and spinal cord injury populations. Specific topics of interest included community integration, vocational outcomes, social support and caregiving, sexuality and abuse, and issues…

Jamie Pomeranz

Dr. Pomeranz’s research interests focus on personal care assistance requirements for individuals with spinal cord injury, life care planning for individuals with catastrophic injuries, and impact of disability.

Michael Moorhouse

Dr. Moorhouse’s primary research can be categorized across two general areas: 1) using Rasch analysis to validate rehabilitation and health behavior measures, and 2) investigating substance abuse behaviors in special populations. Specifically within the measurement arena, Dr. Moorhouse has worked to assess “functional cognition” among OEF/OIF veterans who have sustained…